Difference between Method Statement and Procedure

Difference between Method Statement and Procedure: Method statements outline the specific steps to be taken to complete a task, while procedures describe the general process for achieving a goal or outcome.

Method statements and procedures are two crucial components of project management, quality assurance, and safety management. While they are related, they are not the same thing, and it is important to understand the difference between them. In this article, we will explore the meaning of method statements and procedures, their differences, and how they are used in various industries.

What is a Method Statement?

A method statement is a comprehensive document that outlines the steps, materials, and resources required to complete a specific task or activity. It outlines the process of how a task should be completed, with the aim of ensuring the task is completed safely and efficiently. Method statements are commonly used in the construction industry to provide a step-by-step guide for workers and contractors.

What is a Procedure?

A procedure, on the other hand, is a set of instructions that outline how to perform a specific task or activity. Procedures are used to ensure consistent and standardized results and are often used in organizations and businesses to ensure quality and efficiency. Procedures are typically more formal than method statements and may include checklists, flowcharts, and other visual aids to help workers understand how to perform the task.

The Key Differences

While method statements and procedures may seem similar, there are some key differences between them.

  1. Purpose: The main purpose of a method statement is to outline the steps required to complete a task safely and efficiently, while the main purpose of a procedure is to ensure consistent and standardized results.
  2. Content: Method statements typically include a detailed description of the steps, materials, and resources required to complete a task, while procedures typically include a set of instructions and checklists.
  3. Format: Method statements are usually more detailed and comprehensive, often with visual aids such as flowcharts, while procedures are typically more formal and structured, with clear instructions and checklists.
  4. Use: Method statements are commonly used in the construction industry, while procedures are used in a variety of industries, including manufacturing, healthcare, and finance.

How are Method Statements and Procedures Used?

Method statements and procedures are used in various industries to ensure quality, efficiency, and safety. In the construction industry, method statements are used to provide workers and contractors with a step-by-step guide for completing tasks safely and efficiently. In manufacturing, procedures are used to ensure consistent and standardized results and to maintain quality control. In healthcare, procedures are used to ensure patient safety and ensure consistent and standardized results. In finance, procedures are used to ensure compliance with regulations and to maintain quality control.

Conclusion: Method Statement vs Procedure

In conclusion, method statements and procedures are two important components of project management, quality assurance, and safety management. While they may seem similar, they have different purposes, content, formats, and uses. Understanding the difference between method statements and procedures is crucial for effective project management and quality assurance.


What is the main purpose of a method statement?

The main purpose of a method statement is to outline the steps required to complete a task safely and efficiently.

What is the main purpose of a procedure?

The main purpose of a procedure is to ensure consistent and standardized results.

What is the difference between method statement and procedure?

The main difference between method statements and procedures is their purpose, content, format, and use. Method statements are used to provide a step-by-step guide for completing tasks, while procedures are used to ensure consistent and standardized results.

Where are method statements commonly used?

Method statements are commonly used in the construction industry.

tag: Difference between Method Statement and Procedure, Method Statement vs Procedure