Last Updated on September 15, 2022 by Jose Villegas Jr.
This defines the method for testing and commissioning of fire suppression systems installed within the project. The work referred to in this section consists of providing all labor, necessary tools, and services required for the testing, and commissioning of all fire suppression systems installed in the buildings. All final utility connections or provisions are to be performed by the MEP contractor.
This procedure describes the methodology for Testing and Commissioning of Fire Suppression Systems activities as per approved shop drawings, project specifications, and material submittals.
Project Specifications
Issued For Construction Drawings
Approved Material Submittal
Reference Shop Drawings
The Project Manager is overall responsible for planning and implementing this procedure and to ensure that the site team is aware of this procedure and that all resources such as manpower, materials, equipment, and tools are available to carry out the works, safely and as planned with respect to quality.
The Construction Manager is responsible for site execution and implementation of the associated
work activities within this procedure. He is also responsible for maintaining the site in a safe working environment in coordination with his Site Engineer and Safety Engineers.
Technical Manager is responsible for ensuring that all documents are ready or approved, and required shop drawings are available and issued for construction. He also addresses the technical problems on site and comes up with solutions in liaison with the stakeholders, to ensure smooth workflow.
QA/QC Manager is managing the QAQC team and provides coordination and support to other
project teams as needed. Coordinate with the client representative on site in resolving quality
The Project Engineer/Site Engineer is responsible for direct monitoring and executing all associated
activities within this procedure. They directly supervise the execution of works in coordination with the safety engineer, QA/QC Engineers, Site Supervisors, and Surveyors. During consultant inspection, they will always be present for them to know the inspection comments for immediate action.
QA/QC Engineer/Inspector ensures that the procedure is strictly implemented by the site team, and ensures all inspections and tests are done as per the approved ITP. He also ensures compliance of works to the procedure, method statement, approved shop drawings and specifications prior to inspections.
The Safety Manager is responsible for ensuring that the safety procedures and specifications included in the procedure are strictly implemented, and also all the works are being carried out in accordance with Project HSE Plan and finishing the works without any damage to property, accident, or fatality.
Safety Officer is responsible for ensuring the implementation of all safety procedures, and safety measures related to the nature of works being carried out in accordance with the project HSE plan and finishing the works without any damage to property, accident, or fatality.
Surveyor is responsible for the setting out of points/locations, dimensions, and elevations.
Manpower Schedule
Project Manager
Technical Manager
Construction Manager
QA/QC Manager
Safety Manager
Site Engineer
QA/QC Engineer
Safety Officer
Skilled Workers/Operators
Tools & Equipment
Hand tools
Straight edges
Fire Extinguisher
Step ladder
Measuring tape
Bar level
Drilling machine
Multi-function tester
Nitrogen regulator gauge
Manifold gauge
Silicone sealant gun
Clamp meter
Grinder with cutting disc
Insulated screw driver
Insulated pliers
Brazing machine/torch
Wrench set
Manual lifter
Nitrogen Cartridge
Quick Seal
Release Mechanism (Test Link)
Hood Seal Adaptor
Manual Pull Station
50 ft. Wire Rope
360 Deg. Fuse Link
Fire Suppression Liquid
Pulley Elbow
Nozzle 3N
Nozzle 260
Nozzle 1W
Nozzle 1N
Nozzle 1F
Nozzle ½ N
Series Detector
Survey and set out to establish and mark the exact location of the wall panel to be installed in accordance with the approved shop drawing.
Pre-work control measures identified in the attached Risk Assessment shall be in place.
Pre-construction meeting to discuss the execution of this procedure involved and may include the presence of the Engineer.
Determine specification requirements method of work execution and relay this to the site foreman.
Responsible for cutting the slab or wall.
Site clearance is to be provided as required.
Site Planning & Preparation
Site layout and identification of works area must be done prior to work execution.
Coordination with the Site engineer, QA/QC engineer, HSE officer shall be observed.
All the works shall be carried out confirming the approval of shop drawings and HSE policies.
Installation of the cold room shall comply with and meet the requirements as per site conditions.
Work Methodology
Testing and Commissioning of Fire Suppression Systems Methodology
1) Preparation
The following interfacing should be available and done:
All related cabling work, fire alarm, and electrical interfacing.
Fixing of mechanical gas shut-off valve into the gas pipeline.
Completed civil works.
2) Pre-commissioning
Carefully inspect the nozzles for any physical damage.
Check and ensure that the nozzles directly point to the cooking equipment.
Check the tightness of all nuts/bolts, screws, fasteners, etc. as applicable.
Check piping connection as per approved drawings.
3) Commissioning (Testing & commissioning using spare cartridge & empty tank known as “Balloon Test”)
a. Testing of manual pull station and building fire alarm interface testing with volt free contact micro switch. Remove the brake rod & pull the manual pull station (the cartridge is separated from the mechanism). The cartridge pin will come out from the release mechanism and the alarm begins.
b. Testing of detection line and distribution line by balloon test (using empty agent tank and cartridge.) By replacing the test link in place of the fusible link from the detector line, put balloons on all nozzles, and break the test link (put the system in active condition). Cartridge pin will come out from the release mechanism, the system begins to release the gas (CO2) through the nozzles at the same time alarm begins and the balloons get inflated with the gas.
c. After the above testing, the system has to be recharged and reset again to set the system in active condition.

Quality Control
Inspection & Testing
Inspection and Testing shall be performed in accordance with Inspection and Testing Program (ITP).
The necessary inspection as stated in the work procedures shall be carried out.
The QC Engineer and Site Engineer will check and monitor the progress of execution of work to ensure that the work process complies with this procedure.
Upon completion of every stage of work, a joint quality inspection between the contractor’s QC Engineer/Site Engineer and Consultant shall be carried out to check the quality of work.
Any unsatisfactory workmanship or defects found shall be rectified and preventive action shall be taken to prevent the occurrence of the same for subsequent works.
Systems Manual
The Systems Manual must be submitted electronically or on paper and must include the following principal sections:
System descriptions
a. Title sheet including the project’s full name, address, and phone number the installing contractor’s name and address, along with a phone number service for emergencies)
b. The entire contents page
c. Documentation of the system design intent
d. A comprehensive list of the tools
e. A list of manufacturers and/or suppliers of equipment
f. Major component operation and maintenance guidelines
g. Reports of inspection and testing
h. Recommend spare parts
i. Diagrams or schematic drawings or riser diagrams
j. Calculations and “as-built” drawings
k. Fire Alarm System Completion Record.
l. Diagrams of point-to-point wiring
m. Drawings for each individual device’s interconnection
n. Original Equipment Submission Copies
o. Manufacturer’s Requirements for Appropriate Testing and Maintenance
p. Warranty
q. Additional special installation specifications or installation requirements, such as valve tags, charts, and nameplate information for hydraulic data (for sprinkler systems)
System Training
A minimum of fourteen (14) business days must transpire before the chosen training date for the training curriculum to be received (s). Training shall not start until the training syllabus has been authorized and the Commissioning Authority has addressed and accepted any feedback. Any training sessions that take place but do not adhere to the aforementioned criteria will not be regarded as meeting training standards.
Site-specific training sessions on digital media and electronic format shall be recorded (flash drive, CD, DVD). Training sessions that are videotaped must be audibly intelligible, correctly framed, and supported by the camera (tripod). Training sessions that are not audible, have distracting camera movement, or have other problems shall be redone at the contractor’s expense. Generic training videotapes may be provided as additional educational resources, but they cannot be submitted in lieu of the core site-specific training session that is a requirement.
Prior to delivery, the Fire Suppression contractor and the authorized subcontractors shall conduct thorough system training on the building’s systems. The training shall include in-person teaching given in a classroom by qualified teachers using the information in the Systems Manual.
The overall system schematics and descriptions as well as the interactions between system components will receive special attention. Along with thorough equipment education from competent manufacturer’s representatives who have access to operating manuals, classroom instruction must include this component. The systems manual’s descriptions of operating procedures and preventive maintenance shall be emphasized in the manufacturer’s representative training. The training sessions will at a minimum cover the following topics:
- Installed system types
- Operational theory
- Design intent
- Emergency conditions and protocols
- Comfortable surroundings
- Energy conservation
- Additional concerns crucial to facility operation
- System operations
- Utilizing a control system
- Sequence of operation
- Diagnostics
- Problem indicators
- Corrective actions
- Service, maintenance, testing, and repair
Use of logs and reports
Problem-solving, investigating faults, and identifying root causes.
The instructors must inspect, describe, and demonstrate the system after each session of classroom instruction. With the exception of sprinkler systems, all relevant equipment must be demonstrated, including system startup and shutdown.
The contractor is in charge of planning, setting up, and providing this instruction in a timely way that is acceptable to the Owner.
A suggested agenda and timetable for the aforementioned training shall be provided by the contractor at or before substantial completion for commissioning authority and owner approval.
Health, Safety & Environment
All necessary PPEs such as helmets, safety shoes, gloves, goggles, and safety harnesses will
be used by the personnel as applicable. All project site personnel shall be inducted on
HSE prior to deployment on site.
Safe access will be prepared as necessary. The Safety Officer has to check and confirm
before using.
All unnecessary material on site that may cause accidents will be removed.
Proper housekeeping will be done on regular basis before and after the completion of work.
Wastage generated shall be segregated according to its type and disposed of with skips and cranes.
Riggers and operatives shall have a valid authorization or third-party certification as required by the legislation.
Workers shall be provided with hearing protectors while working with equipment that produces noise between 80 dB (A) – 85 dB (A) when they ask for them.
Workers must wear hearing protectors while working with equipment that produces noise 85 dB (A) or above. The hearing protectors must be selected, so as to eliminate the risk to hearing or reduce it to as low a level as is reasonably practicable.
Qualified first aiders are available at the First Aid Room to encounter any event of injuries.
All electrical equipment and power tools shall be color coded.
All the mobile equipment used during this works and the lifting team shall have a valid 3rd-party certificate.
Assure the competence of the workers using the power tools by training them before they start their work.
All the workers must be aware of the evacuation and emergency response procedures.
Safe and secure access will provide to move the workers and materials to and from the platform.
Horizontal lifeline protection should provide for safe movements on the form works.
A competent supervisor will always be at work locations.
All workers involved in this activity shall be given awareness training on COSHH handling by the HSE Department before the commencement of the work activity.
Specific PPE/ RPE to be followed as MSDS and COSHH assessment.
Waste Management
Wastes generated during the activities will be segregated during the job and will be collected at different locations. All the segregated wastes will be disposed of in approved locations by an approved third-party contractor.
a. Inspection and Test Plan for Testing and Commissioning of Fire Suppression System
b. Risk Assessment
c. Checklist
tag: testing and commissioning of fire suppression system