Components of a Method Statement

components of a method statement

Last Updated on February 11, 2023 by Jose Villegas Jr.


Method statements play a crucial role in ensuring the safety and efficiency of construction projects. They outline the step-by-step procedures for executing specific tasks and serve as a reference for workers on site. In this guide, we’ll delve into the various components that make up a method statement and provide you with practical tips for creating an effective document.

What is a Method Statement?

A method statement is a written document that details the procedures for executing a specific task in a construction project. It outlines the risk assessments, resources required, and step-by-step instructions for workers to follow. The purpose of a method statement is to minimize the risk of injury, ensure the work is completed efficiently, and provide a reference for workers on site.

Purpose of a Method Statement

The purpose of a method statement is to:

  • Provide a clear understanding of the task to be executed
  • Outline the risks associated with the task and how they will be managed
  • Specify the resources required to complete the task
  • Provide step-by-step instructions for workers to follow
  • Minimize the risk of injury and ensure the work is completed efficiently

Key Components of a Method Statement

There are several components that make up a comprehensive method statement. Let’s take a look at each of these components in more detail.

Title and Introduction

The title of the method statement should be clear and concise, providing a brief overview of the task to be executed. The introduction should provide a brief overview of the purpose of the method statement and the task to be executed.

Risk Assessments

Risk assessments are a critical component of any method statement. They outline the potential hazards associated with the task and how they will be managed. It’s important to include a comprehensive list of all potential hazards and the measures that will be taken to mitigate them.

Resources Required

The resources required section should specify all the equipment, materials, and personnel required to complete the task. This information should be detailed and include specific specifications, such as the type of equipment required and the number of personnel needed.

Step-by-Step Instructions

The step-by-step instructions should be clear and concise, providing workers with a comprehensive guide for executing the task. It’s important to include detailed instructions, such as specific measurements and tolerances, to ensure the work is completed efficiently and to the correct standards.

Health and Safety Measures

The health and safety measures section should outline the measures that will be taken to minimize the risk of injury during the task. This should include information on personal protective equipment (PPE) that workers must wear, emergency procedures, and any other measures that will be taken to ensure the health and safety of workers on site.

Environmental Considerations

Environmental considerations should also be included in a method statement. This section should outline any potential impact the task may have on the environment and the measures that will be taken to minimize this impact.

Heading: Quality Control

Quality control measures should also be included in a method statement. This section should outline the procedures for ensuring the work is completed to the correct standards and the measures that will be taken to ensure quality control.


What is the purpose of a method statement?

The purpose of a method statement is to provide a clear understanding of the task to be executed, outline the risks associated with the task and how they will be managed, specify the resources required to complete the task, provide step-by-step instructions for workers to follow, and minimize the risk of injury and ensure the work is completed efficiently.

What are the key components of a method statement?

The key components of a method statement include the title and introduction, risk assessments, resources required, step-by-step instructions, health and safety measures, environmental considerations, and quality control measures.

How important are risk assessments in a method statement?

Risk assessments are crucial components of a method statement. They outline the potential hazards associated with the task and how they will be managed and play a key role in ensuring the safety of workers on site.


Understanding the components of a method statement is essential for ensuring the safety and efficiency of construction projects. A comprehensive method statement should include all the key components discussed in this guide, including the title and introduction, risk assessments, resources required, step-by-step instructions, health and safety measures, environmental considerations, and quality control measures. By following these guidelines, you can create a well-structured method statement that will help minimize the risk of injury, ensure the work is completed efficiently, and provide a reference for workers on site.