Method Statement Example: An Effective Guide to Writing

method statement example

Last Updated on February 11, 2023 by Jose Villegas Jr.

A method statement is a comprehensive document that outlines the steps and procedures involved in the completion of a specific project task or activity. It is a crucial document that ensures the safety and health of workers, the quality of work, and the protection of the environment. A method statement provides clear guidance to everyone involved in a project, and it is used as a reference throughout the project’s life cycle.

In this article, we will discuss the importance of a method statement, the steps involved in writing an effective method statement, and provide a comprehensive method statement example.

What is a Method Statement and Why is it Important?

A method statement is a detailed description of the methodology that will be used to complete a particular task or activity on a construction project. It outlines the resources required, the steps involved, and the potential risks and hazards associated with the task. The purpose of a method statement is to ensure that the work is carried out safely and efficiently and to provide clear instructions to all those involved in the project.

A method statement is an important document that is used to:

  • Ensure the safety and health of workers
  • Maintain the quality of work
  • Protect the environment
  • Provide clear guidance to all those involved in the project

Steps involved in writing an Effective Method Statement

Writing an effective method statement requires careful planning and consideration of all aspects of the task. Here are the steps involved in writing an effective method statement:

  1. Identify the task or activity
  2. Assess the risks and hazards associated with the task
  3. Plan the steps involved in completing the task
  4. Identify the resources required
  5. Outline the methodology for completing the task
  6. Describe the potential consequences of not following the method statement
  7. Identify the roles and responsibilities of all those involved in the task
  8. Review and approve the method statement
  9. Update and revise the method statement as necessary

Method Statement Example

Here is an example of a method statement for the installation of a new window:

  1. Introduction
  • Description of the task
  • Purpose of the method statement
  • Risks and hazards associated with the task
  • Emergency procedures
  1. Resources
  • Equipment required
  • Materials required
  • Personnel required
  1. Methodology
  • Preparation of the site
  • Removing the existing window
  • Installing the new window
  • Fixing the window into place
  • Checking and testing the window
  • Cleaning up the site
  1. Safety
  • Personal protective equipment (PPE)
  • Safety procedures
  • Risk assessment
  1. Quality
  • Quality control procedures
  • Inspection and testing
  1. Environment
  • Environmental impact
  • Waste management
  1. Conclusion
  • Summary of the methodology
  • Final thoughts and recommendations


In conclusion, a method statement is a crucial document that outlines the steps and procedures involved in the completion of a specific project task or activity. It provides clear guidance to everyone involved in a project and helps ensure the safety and health of workers, the quality of work, and the protection of the environment. Writing an effective method statement requires careful planning and consideration of all aspects of the task, and it is important to update and revise the method statement as necessary.


What is a method statement?

A method statement is a comprehensive document that outlines the steps and procedures involved in the completion of a specific project task or activity. It provides clear guidance to everyone involved in a project and ensures the safety and health of workers, the quality of work, and the protection of the environment.

Why is a method statement important?

A method statement is important because it ensures the safety and health of workers, maintains the quality of work, protects the environment, and provides clear guidance to all those involved in the project. It is used as a reference throughout the project’s life cycle and helps ensure that the work is carried out safely and efficiently.

What are the steps involved in writing an effective method statement?

The steps involved in writing an effective method statement include: identifying the task or activity, assessing the risks and hazards associated with the task, planning the steps involved in completing the task, identifying the resources required, outlining the methodology for completing the task, describing the potential consequences of not following the method statement, identifying the roles and responsibilities of all those involved in the task, reviewing and approving the method statement, and updating and revising the method statement as necessary.

What should be included in a method statement?

A method statement should include an introduction, description of the task, the purpose of the method statement, risks and hazards associated with the task, emergency procedures, resources, equipment required, materials required, personnel required, methodology, safety, personal protective equipment (PPE), safety procedures, risk assessment, quality, quality control procedures, inspection and testing, environment, environmental impact, waste management, and a conclusion.

How often should a method statement be updated?

A method statement should be updated and revised as necessary, particularly if there are any changes to the task or activity, or if new information becomes available. It is important to regularly review the method statement to ensure that it remains relevant and effective.