Purpose of a Method Statement

purpose of a method statement

Last Updated on February 11, 2023 by Jose Villegas Jr.

A method statement is a document that outlines the steps, procedures, and resources required to complete a task, project, or activity. It is a critical part of health and safety management, as it helps ensure that tasks are performed in a safe, controlled, and consistent manner.

What is a Method Statement?

A method statement is a detailed description of the work that is to be carried out, the resources required to carry it out, and the procedures that will be followed to ensure the work is done safely. This document is created in advance of the work being performed and outlines the steps that will be taken to complete the task.

Why is it Important?

Method statements play a crucial role in health and safety management. By outlining the steps, resources, and procedures required to complete a task, a method statement helps ensure that the work is carried out in a controlled and consistent manner. This helps reduce the risk of accidents, injuries, and other hazards, and protects the workers, the public, and the environment.

What are its Benefits?

A method statement provides many benefits to both the employer and the workers. Some of the key benefits include:

  • Improved health and safety: By outlining the steps and procedures required to complete a task, a method statement helps ensure that the work is performed in a safe and controlled manner, reducing the risk of accidents, injuries, and other hazards.
  • Better project management: Method statements help project managers and supervisors to understand the work that is to be carried out, the resources required, and the steps that will be taken to complete the task. This information is critical for effective project management, as it helps ensure that the project is completed on time and within budget.
  • Improved communication: A method statement is a shared document that is used by all members of the project team. By having a shared understanding of the work that is to be carried out, the resources required, and the procedures that will be followed, the team can work more effectively and efficiently.

What Should be Included in a Method Statement?

A method statement should include the following information:

  • A description of the work that is to be carried out
  • A list of the resources required to complete the work
  • A step-by-step guide to the procedures that will be followed to complete the work
  • Details of any potential hazards and the measures that will be taken to control them
  • Details of the emergency procedures that will be followed in the event of an accident or incident

How to Write an Effective Method Statement

An effective method statement should be well-structured, easy to follow, and contain all the information required to complete the work safely. To write an effective method statement, follow these steps:

  • Review the work that is to be carried out: Before you start writing the method statement, review the work that is to be carried out and gather all the information you need.
  • Outline the steps and procedures: Outline the steps and procedures that will be followed to complete the work, including the resources required and the measures that will be taken to control any potential hazards.
  • Write the method statement: Write the method statement in a clear, concise, and easy-to-follow manner, using bullet points and diagrams where appropriate.
  • Review and approve the method statement: Once the method statement has been written, review it to ensure that it is accurate and complete, and then have it approved by the relevant authorities.

Conclusion – Purpose of a Method Statement

A method statement is a critical part of health and safety management, as it helps ensure that tasks are performed in a safe, controlled, and consistent manner. It outlines the steps, procedures, and resources required to complete a task, and helps reduce the risk of accidents, injuries, and other hazards.

By having a shared understanding of the work that is to be carried out, the resources required, and the procedures that will be followed, the project team can work more effectively and efficiently.

To write an effective method statement, review the work that is to be carried out, outline the steps and procedures, write the method statement in a clear, concise, and easy-to-follow manner, and have it approved by the relevant authorities.


What is the difference between a method statement and a risk assessment?

A method statement outlines the steps, procedures, and resources required to complete a task, while a risk assessment identifies and evaluates the potential hazards associated with a task or activity.

Who is responsible for writing a method statement?

The person responsible for writing a method statement will depend on the size and complexity of the project. In many cases, the project manager or supervisor will be responsible for writing the method statement.

Can a method statement be used for multiple projects?

A method statement can be used for multiple projects, as long as the work being performed is similar. However, it is important to review and update the method statement as required to ensure it is still accurate and relevant.

Is a method statement a legal requirement?

While method statements are not a legal requirement, they are an important part of health and safety management and are often required by employers, clients, and regulators.

How often should a method statement be reviewed and updated?

A method statement should be reviewed and updated as required, to ensure it remains accurate and relevant. This may be necessary when changes are made to the work that is to be carried out, or if new hazards are identified.

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