Method Statement Sample: The Key to Making It Stand Out

Method Statement Sample

Last Updated on February 12, 2023 by Jose Villegas Jr.

A method statement is a critical document that outlines the steps involved in a particular task, project, or process. It provides a detailed description of how a particular task will be performed, what tools and equipment will be used, and the safety precautions that must be taken.

This document serves as a valuable resource for those working on a project and ensures that the project is carried out in a safe, efficient, and effective manner.

In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide on how to create an effective method statement. We will cover the following topics in detail:

What is a Method Statement?

A method statement is a written document that outlines the methodology and steps involved in executing a particular task, project, or process. It provides detailed information on how a particular task will be carried out, what equipment will be used, and the safety precautions that must be taken.

Why is a Method Statement Important?

A method statement is important because it serves as a reference point for those working on a project. It outlines the steps involved in executing a task, which helps to ensure that the project is carried out in a safe, efficient, and effective manner.

This document helps to minimize the risk of injury and provides clear instructions on how to complete a task, reducing the likelihood of mistakes.

What to Include in a Method Statement Sample

When creating a method statement, it is important to include the following information:

  1. Introduction: Provide a brief overview of the task, project, or process for which the method statement is being created.
  2. Purpose: Outline the purpose of the method statement, including why it is important and what it will achieve.
  3. Scope: Describe the scope of the task, project, or process and what is included in the method statement.
  4. Methodology: Provide a detailed description of how the task will be carried out, including a step-by-step guide.
  5. Equipment: List all of the equipment that will be used during the task, project, or process, including any specialized tools.
  6. Safety Precautions: Outline the safety precautions that must be taken during the task, project, or process, including any protective clothing or equipment that must be worn.
  7. Emergency Procedures: Describe what to do in the event of an emergency and who to contact.
  8. Responsibilities: Outline the responsibilities of those involved in the task, project, or process.
  9. Completion: Provide a detailed description of how the task will be completed and what will be checked before declaring the task complete.

How to Write an Effective Method Statement

When writing a method statement, it is important to follow the following steps:

  1. Identify the task, project, or process for which the method statement is being created.
  2. Research the task and gather information on how it is typically carried out, what equipment is required, and what safety precautions must be taken.
  3. Outline the steps involved in executing the task, project, or process, including a step-by-step guide.
  4. List all of the equipment that will be used during the task, project, or process.
  5. Outline the safety precautions that must be taken during the task, project, or process, including any protective clothing or equipment that must be worn.
  6. Describe what to do in the event of an emergency and who to contact.
  7. Outline the responsibilities of those involved in the task, project, or process.
  8. Provide a detailed description of how the task will be completed and what will be checked before declaring the task complete. 9. Review the method statement and make any necessary changes.
  9. Distribute the method statement to those involved in the task, project, or process, and ensure that they understand and follow the instructions.

Benefits of an Effective Method Statement

An effective method statement has several benefits, including:

  1. Minimizing the risk of injury: By outlining the safety precautions that must be taken during a task, project, or process, an effective method statement helps to minimize the risk of injury.
  2. Improving efficiency: A method statement provides clear instructions on how to complete a task, reducing the likelihood of mistakes and improving efficiency.
  3. Facilitating communication: A method statement serves as a reference point for those working on a project, facilitating communication and ensuring that everyone is on the same page.
  4. Documenting processes: A method statement documents the steps involved in a task, project, or process, providing a valuable resource for future reference.


In conclusion, a method statement is a critical document that outlines the steps involved in a task, project, or process. It provides a detailed description of how a task will be performed, what equipment will be used, and the safety precautions that must be taken.

An effective method statement has several benefits, including minimizing the risk of injury, improving efficiency, facilitating communication, and documenting processes. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can create an effective method statement that will help you achieve your project goals in a safe, efficient, and effective manner.


What is a method statement?

A method statement is a written document that outlines the methodology and steps involved in executing a particular task, project, or process.

Why is a method statement important?

A method statement is important because it serves as a reference point for those working on a project and helps to ensure that the project is carried out in a safe, efficient, and effective manner.

What should be included in a method statement?

A method statement should include an introduction, purpose, scope, methodology, equipment, safety precautions, emergency procedures, responsibilities, and completion.

How do I write an effective method statement?

To write an effective method statement, research the task, outline the steps involved, list the equipment required, outline the safety precautions, describe the emergency procedures, outline the responsibilities, and provide a detailed description of completion.

What are the benefits of an effective method statement?

The benefits of an effective method statement include minimizing the risk of injury, improving efficiency, facilitating communication, and documenting processes.

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