The grout vs concrete issue is being debated in the construction industry. To find out more about the strength differences between concrete and grout, and the best way to determine it, keep reading.
Grout and concrete are both tough, generally cement-based mixtures that harden when combined with water. Both are commonly used in construction projects, either large or small. However, how do these robust mixtures measure up in terms of strength?
Concrete and grout are typically similar in strength, with the exception of the instance that of Ultra-High Performance Concrete, which is a new product and is 10 times as strong as traditional grout or concrete. Concrete has a higher compression strength (7,500 psi) than grout (5,000 psi).

Grout and Concrete Compared
A thick, liquid-like substance, concrete and grout harden to bind objects together or form a flat surface. These minerals combine to make them strong and adhesive. Typically, the substances are sold as a powder, then made into an adhesive when combined with water. As soon as it hardens, it is permanently solid.
The Grout: What exactly is it?
Grout is considered a form of mortar. However, whereas traditional mortar is composed of fine sand, water, cement, and lime, grout is composed of only fine sand, water, and cement – without the lime. Because lime adds durability to the mix, grout is less durable than other mortars.
Grout: What it does and how it’s made?
In spite of that, grout does contain more water than other binding materials since its purpose is not to bind but rather to fill gaps. Ideally, it should be able to cover every crevice.
Grout comes as a powdered mixture that, once mixed with water, activates the cement. When mixing a smaller amount, you can use a hoe or shovel, and when mixing a more considerable amount, you can use a large cement mixer.
Additionally, it can be found in a wide range of colors. You can either purchase a mix already mixed with a pigment, or you can purchase a colorant.
In ceramic tile installations, grout is used to fill the gaps between tiles, a job too delicate for other types of cement-based pastes. It is sometimes used as an adhesive to attach the tiles themselves to the floor, but a stronger and more durable mortar can do the job without causing the tiles to break. Finally, grout can be used as an adhesive in larger construction projects, such as attaching wall elements.
Grouting Types
When it comes to grout and tiles, there are a few various types to choose from, depending on the size of the gaps to be filled and the type of installation you’ll be undertaking. When the spaces between tiles are smaller than 1/8 inch (0.32 cm), use unsanded grout; bigger gaps require sanding. When the tiles are likely to be exposed to acids or oils, epoxy grout is used.
When using grout in larger building projects, the aggregate size utilized in the mixture determines whether a fine or coarse grout is employed. For a large job, coarse grouts are usually more cost-effective. Epoxy grout is also a good choice because it is stronger than cement-based grout.
Epoxy grout is the most popular solution for mounting heavy machinery to the floor because of its strength. It also has a long lifespan and is impermeable to most substances, including water. This implies you won’t have to worry about water inside an epoxy grout construction freezing and thawing.
Grout types and appropriate times to use them
Cementitious grout (cement-based) and epoxy grout are two subcategories of the several types of tile grout.
Cementitious Grouts
Sand, cement, and water are the main ingredients of conventional cementitious grouts. There are four widely used types of cementitious grout, each with unique properties that make them useful in a range of settings.
Sanded Grouts
Finely sanded grouts contain sand, as the name would imply. A stronger bond between the tile and the floor or wall surface is produced by the presence of sand particles, which also act to strengthen grout joints. It is suitable for usage where the joints between tiles measure between 1/16 and 1/8 of an inch because of its increased strength.
Suitable applications:
Toilet floors
Floors in kitchens
Shower stall
High areas like entrances and hallways
Unsanded Grouts
The applications where the joints between the tiles are up to 1/8 inch are best suited for unsanded grout (grout without sand). It has the strength to shrink and crack when used in broader grout joints because of their weaker bonding.
The texture is smooth, unlike sanded grout, so there is no chance of damaging or scratching tiles while applying it. Although sealing is not necessary, it is suggested in order to increase the joint’s lifespan.
Suitable applications:
toilet floors
floors in kitchens
shower stall
high areas like entrances and hallways
Polymer Cement Grouts
These grout types are suitable for use in bigger grout joints up to 1 1/4 inches in width because they contain an additive, like latex polymer, that boosts the grout’s strength and water resistance.
Suitable applications:
commercial buildings
tile tiles in high-traffic areas like entrances, hallways, etc.
worktops in the kitchen and splashbacks, among other high-stress areas
Latex Modified Grouts
Sanded grouts can have a latex polymer component added to them, either as part of the dry mix or as the grout is mixed with water. These additives, which are latex and acrylic mixtures, will strengthen the strength and enhance color retention while reducing water absorption. Some grouts already contain dried latex powder from the manufacturing process and don’t need any further additives.
Chemical Grouts
Chemical grouts are emulsions of liquid resin and water. Chemical grouting calls for the injection of chemical grouts that have been carefully developed to fill smaller cracks than cement grouts can. Epoxy, acrylic, and furan resin grouts are a few of the more well-liked types.
Epoxy grout
Epoxy grout is robust and long-lasting. It is extremely durable and resistant to stains, cracks, chemicals, severe weather, and climatic fluctuations. Due to these features, epoxy grout is the only option if you want to lay tile in a method that is both efficient and long-lasting. Epoxy grout is perfect for any tile project, whether it is indoor or outdoor because of its strength. Due to its stain, fracture, and chemical resistance, it is appropriate for high-usage areas. It is perfect for areas where it will be subjected to harsh weather conditions, significant amounts of humidity, or extreme cold because of its tolerance to weather and climate fluctuations. The choice you make for your project may be influenced by the fact that epoxy grouts have a tendency to be less fluid than cementitious grouts. Using a free-flowing cementitious grout may be simpler if you are grouting under huge equipment or base plates.
Epoxy grout will not crack and start to come apart over time, but standard grout solutions have a propensity to deteriorate, making the likelihood that you will eventually have to replace your tile at a cost. Epoxy grout will last a lifetime with minimal upkeep, so you won’t ever need to spend money on extensive and pricey tile replacement.
You don’t have to cover the entire work surface while using acrylic grout. Simply place it in the spaces between the tiles to use it. Greater adhesion is aided by the silicone component, which is pre-mixed with Portland cement grout. It may be used outside because of its stability in freezes and thaws, making it perfect for deck or garage work. The ingredient aids in the grout’s stain resistance and color retention. The majority of fast-food establishments utilize this type of grout on their floors. Some businesses specialize in producing acrylic caulks that match the hues of tile or paint.
Epoxy Grout:
is more porous-resistant and waterproof than cementitious grouts.
useful for seams that are broader than 1/8 inch.
does not require sealing.
Furan Grout
Unlike epoxies, furan grout is made of polymers of furfuryl alcohol, which are very resistant to chemical action. Furan grout is comparable to epoxies in appearance. Furan resin and a filler powder with an acid catalyst make up the two components of furans. The cure of the furan resins, which results in the formation of a thermosetting resin with unrivaled chemical, physical, and thermal resistance, is brought about by the acid catalyst.
Furan grout is typically used to grout quarry tile and brick pavers, and it is also advised in areas exposed to chemicals and lubricants. Depending on how the floor will be used, the tile surfaces may be smooth, non-skid, or abrasive. Before installing furan, the tile or brick surfaces need to have a wax coating applied to prevent stains.
Polyester Grouts
Grouting has been the most widely used technique for soil stabilization for many years. In order to save costs and achieve the optimum technical qualities with early strength increase, several additives are also frequently utilized as grout mixtures in addition to cement and polymeric materials. To determine the viability of employing polyester, red mud, and micronized clay as grouting materials, unconfined compression and dynamic tests of grouted granular soils were carried out with various mixes. The advancement of these grouts is facilitated by longer curing times and higher additive percentages. When anchoring, polyester grout is utilized to give foundations strength that must be obtained in a little amount of space.
Non-shrink Grouts
Non-shrink grouts are hydraulic cement grouts that do not shrink after drying under the required test parameters, leaving their ultimate volume at or above their initial installed volume. It is frequently employed as a medium of transfer between load-bearing elements. This grout frequently sets quickly. It is a pre-mixed solution that only needs to be combined with water and contains additives to account for cement stone shrinkage.
What exactly is concrete?
Cement, sand, and gravel, as well as additional fine and coarse aggregates, are used to make concrete. It begins as a powdered mix that is then blended with water to activate the cement and cause it to harden. Concrete can be purchased in small quantities for repairs although it is most usually used in large quantities to construct big slabs.
What does concrete do (and when is it used)?
This type of slab is used to construct foundation walls, patios, and a variety of other constructions. Its semi-liquid condition after mixing lets it fit into any mold or shape and then dry into a rock-hard material, making it extremely efficient. For extra strength, metal reinforcement such as wire mesh or rebar is sometimes used, reducing the risk of cracking. Concrete, on the other hand, is extremely difficult to work with on its own.
Concrete should be able to be workable and should not freeze or thaw. For cost-effectiveness, the water and cement should be combined in equal parts and both should be kept to a minimum.
Various Concrete Types
There are multiple types of cement that are utilized in various situations and temperatures. The addition of additives to the mixture typically results in these. You can, for example, use an accelerant like calcium chloride to help the concrete set faster.
In hot conditions, a retarding admixture may be used to lengthen the setting time of concrete. This is particularly handy when working with exposed aggregate on a project that requires extra finishing work.
Some builders use fly ash, a byproduct of coal plants, for 15-30% of the cement in their mix. This reduces the amount of heat generated inside the concrete, making it simpler to handle and finish.
When concrete is subjected to freezing temperatures and deicing salts, air-entraining admixtures are used. These admixtures trap microscopic air bubbles in the concrete, allowing water to expand as it freezes within the structure. This freezing process can shatter your concrete if you don’t use air-entraining admixtures.
A water-reducing admixture is added to some concrete mixtures to reduce the amount of water required to activate the mix. These admixtures often lower the quantity of water used by 5 to 30%, with the more effective types costing more.
Furthermore, some concrete mixtures contain integrated fibers, resulting in Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC). UHPC fibers are formed of stainless steel, fiberglass, basalt, or steel, and they significantly improve the concrete’s strength. Although UHPC is still in its infancy, it is already being employed in some infrastructure projects.
Comparing Grout vs Concrete
- Grout is used as an adhesive to affix tiles or fixtures to the floor or wall, repair concrete cracks, and soil stabilization, filling gaps under base plates.
- Concrete is typically used to build solid slabs for things like floors, walls, and structural foundations.
Cement, sand, and water are used to make both grout and concrete, but concrete also contains gravel or another aggregate for added strength and roughness. Grout is likewise created with finer sand than concrete, and it is generally thinner and easier to apply than concrete.
Both must resist wear and tear without yielding, cracking, or breaking and both have the potential to be extremely powerful.
Depending on how each material is created, its strength varies. Grout produced with epoxy resin rather than cement, for example, will become stronger than standard concrete. Still, by slowing down the solidification process, concrete can be made extremely strong.
Some Other Cement-based Mixtures
Cement can be used as a binding agent on its own, but it isn’t as strong as when combined with an aggregate such as gravel or sand. Limestone, clay, silica, and shells are used to make cement, with limestone being the most important and largest component. Because it was first created on the island of Portland off the coast of England, it is frequently referred to as Portland cement.
It’s the main ingredient in mortar, which is similar to grout. Mortar is similar to grout, but due to the addition of lime, it is more durable. It’s also used to hold bricks, stones, and other construction masonry together.
Another cement-based mixture is stucco, which is comprised of cement combined with sand, lime, and water and applied as a thin coating to the exterior of a home. It is used as a finishing coat in the construction process to provide a smooth surface on which to paint. Stucco is a weak material that will break under pressure.
Strength – How Do You Measure It?
The strength of concrete, grout, and other cement-based materials can be tested in a variety of methods. Compressive and tensile strength, as well as flexural strength, are among them. Each of these aspects describes how well a substance keeps its form under pressure.
Compressive Strength
The ability to resist pressure that reduces the size of the sample is referred to as compressive strength. It’s measured in psi, or pounds per square inch. This psi number can be established through a test in which a cylinder of the substance in question is compressed until it breaks in a particular machine.
After the substance has had the ability to harden to its maximum capacity, compressive strength is normally tested after 28 days of solidification.
Tensile Strength
The ability to resist cracking or breaking when stretched or pulled is referred to as tensile strength. Tensile strength is difficult to test, hence the value of an object’s tensile strength is usually obtained indirectly by evaluating other types of strength, such as flexural or split tensile strength.
Flexural Strength
Flexural strength is an indirect measure of tensile strength that relates to the ability to resist bending under pressure. This test should be performed while the material is still wet and not yet hardened. As a result, compressive strength is more commonly utilized to determine the strength of cement-based materials.
Strength Influencing Factors
Some frequent factors will alter the strength of your grout or concrete, regardless of whether you’re working with it or not. Adding more water to the mix, for example, will result in a weaker product. In reality, the proportion of all components has an impact on the final product’s strength.
The strength of the finished product is also affected by the mixing time. Overmixing concrete or grout can cause water to evaporate, resulting in fine particles that make the material more difficult to work with and weaker in the long run.
It’s crucial to be mindful about implementing admixtures and other measures in very cold or hot temperatures because keeping the concrete or grout wet for a longer period of time can affect its strength.
After the first 28 days, cement-based solids tend to increase in strength considerably, and then again after the first year.
Is there such a thing as too much strength?
Builders may choose the weaker of two materials to match the strength of other materials used in a project under certain circumstances. Stress and cracking in the weaker parts might result from an imbalance in material strength.
In some cases, building codes even define a maximum strength for grout and concrete in various applications. The Masonry Standards Joint Committee, for example, establishes minimum and maximum compressive strength standards for grout and concrete, depending on the other materials employed.
Grout vs. Concrete: Which is stronger?
The relative strength of grout and concrete varies depending on the type of grout or concrete used and whether the strength is being measured in site construction or a laboratory setting.
What Is the Strength of Grout?
In most construction applications, grout has a compressive strength of about 2,000–5,000 psi. Builders working with grout will typically aim to match the grout’s strength to that of the rest of the brickwork so that the end product’s strength is balanced.
Epoxy grout, which is made out of resin plus a hardener instead of cement, is the strongest type of grout. This type of grout has a 12,000 psi strength and is used to secure large machinery and other equipment to the floor.
The tensile strength of traditional cement grout is around 870 psi or about 20-40% of its compressive strength.
What Is the Strength of Concrete?
Concrete’s strength is determined by its shape and size, which are decided by the type of project it is utilized for. The compressive strength of slabs that sit on the ground ranges from 3,500 to 4,000 psi, with 4,000 psi being the minimum required for pavement. The strength of concrete walls, columns, and bridges ranges from 3,000 to 5,000 psi.
To endure freezing and thawing cycles in colder regions, concrete buildings must have a higher compressive strength. Concrete has a maximum compressive strength of about 7,500 psi in normal construction situations. However, the highest limit of concrete strength in laboratory settings is closer to 16,000 psi.
Concrete’s tensile and flexural strengths, which range from 300 to 700 psi, are 10-15 percent lower than its compressive strength, which is why concrete structures are typically reinforced with materials that have a higher tensile strength, such as steel.
How Do They Match Up?
Grout and concrete have nearly the same strength in standard construction environments, reaching a maximum of about 5,000 psi. In laboratory settings and circumstances involving heavy equipment, though, you’ll discover stronger versions of both grout and concrete. Grout can be stronger than any concrete used in construction in factory settings, reaching 12,000 psi.
However, in a laboratory setting, concrete may be created to be considerably stronger, reaching a psi of 16,000 pounds per square inch. Even though the maximum strength of grout and concrete in most situations is similar, builders employ a lower minimum strength when working with grout than when working with concrete.
In the end, builders would strive to employ materials with similar strengths throughout a project to minimize imbalances that could cause the line to break down.
Other Building Materials: How Do They Compare?
It’s useful to know how strong other similar materials are when examining the relative strength of grout and concrete. Reference points for compressive and tensile strength, as measured in various building materials, can be found in the chart below:
Material | Tensile Strength | Compression Strength |
Light Bricks | 40 psi | 1,000 psi |
Hard Bricks | 400 psi | 12,000 psi |
Common Brickwork | 50 psi | 1,000 psi |
High-Quality Brickwork | 300 psi | 2,000 psi |
Limestone | 300 psi | 9,000 psi |
Granite | 700 psi | 19,000 psi |
Sandstone | 300 psi | 9,000 psi |
Slate | 500 psi | 14,000 psi |
Trap rock | 800 psi | 20,000 psi |
Grout and concrete are normally about the same strength, however, a new Ultra-High Performance Concrete on the market can be ten times stronger than either standard concrete or grout. However, maximum strength is not always needed in construction projects, and grout and concrete are used to meet a variety of purposes.