Method Statement for Crosshole Sonic Logging for Bored Piles
What is Crosshole Sonic Logging? Crosshole Sonic Logging (CSL) is carried out on drilled shafts/bored piles to inspect the structural integrity, and extent and location of defects, if any, by sending ultrasonic pulses through the concrete from one probe to another (probes located in parallel tubes). The CSL is carried outContinue Reading
Method Statement for Earthing, Bonding and Lightning Protection Installation and Testing
This Method Statement describes the sequence of activities involved in the installation of Earthing, Bonding, and Lightning Protection as per the requirements derived from Scope of Work, Contract Specifications, Codes and Standards of the project.Continue Reading
Method Statement for Installation of Micropiles
What is a micropile? A micropile is a small-diameter (commonly less than 300 mm), drilled and grouted replacement pile that is typically reinforced which can either withstand axial or lateral loads or both of these. What we mean here by the term “replacement” pile is the installation by removal andContinue Reading
Method Statement for the Repair of Concrete
What is Method Statement for the Repair of Concrete? This method statement for the repair of concrete describes the details of rectification for most common construction defects of concrete structures right after the casting activity and formworks deshuttering such as concrete cracking (non-structural and structural cracks), honeycombs or spalling, pinholesContinue Reading
How to Review a Certified Mill Test Report
What is a Certified Mill Test Report? The Certified Mill Test Report is a tool used to ensure that received raw material matches the engineering and purchase order requirements. It is a quality assurance document generated by the raw material manufacturer and provided with the material to intermediate suppliers and ultimatelyContinue Reading
Internal Audit in Construction Company
What is an audit? According to ISO 9000:2005, the Fundamentals and Vocabulary standard, an audit is:“A systematic, independent, and documented process, for obtaining audit evidence and evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which audit criteria are fulfilled.”In other words, making sure that what is going on inContinue Reading
Method Statement for Anti-termite
The method statement for anti-termite defines the procedure for the sequence of works for surface treatments and termite control after leveling/compaction of the filled soil and before polythene/damp proof membrane is laid, considering all the necessary safety and quality aspects of the work activities. What is the anti-termite treatment? Anti-termiteContinue Reading
Method Statement for False Ceiling Works
This method statement for false ceiling describes the details of the installation of suspended gypsum board and tile ceiling with the use of metal framings in the project. This also outlines the health and safety hazards involved and include the guide on how to do the process safely. What is a falseContinue Reading
Document Control Procedure in Construction Project
The document control procedure is the control of content, naming convention, numbering sequences, change control, authorization, distribution, access, archiving, securing, and withdrawal or disposal of documents in the Construction ProjectThis is a procedure that has been developed to ensure that project staffs, collaborators, and contractors have consistent, complete, and correctContinue Reading
Method Statement for Rebar Works
This method statement covers the activities involved in the fabrication, installation of the rebar in the project considering the quality and safety requirements. This method statement defines the activities of the rebar shop drawings and on-site activities and do not cover the rebar cut and bent fabrication works if any inContinue Reading